Thursday, December 13, 2012


Your home is your paradise and if you are planning to renovate your home, goes for the changes that are not only eye catchy but also comfortable for you and your family. Remodeling of the home is associated with revolution and amendment adjusted in every nook and cranny of the home. If you are going to change the flooring of your home there are some tips for flooring of different parts of your house.

Bedroom Flooring.

Laminate flooring in bedroom (

There are plenty options when it comes to flooring in your bedroom. Being the most private and personalized part of your home, your bedroom is the place which grabs a big part of your budget whenever you are remodeling your home. You can use carpet, tile, hardwood, bamboo, cork or laminate, play with different materials in different rooms. You can opt for striped light and dark shades in your boy's room so that if your son is going to create mess, which is unavoidable, the flooring can withstand the burden. Also the flooring can bear heavy traffic of the folks coming inthe bedroom. For more powerful scratch and water resistant flooring you can choose laminate.

Living Room Flooring.

Hardwood Flooring Living Room (
It is the most used part that withholds most of the traffic coming in and out of the house. It is highly recommended that the flooring should be strong enough that it can endure all such amendments done with your furniture or the increasing and decreasing ratio of visitors. For the purpose you can opt for hardwood flooring. Being classy and sophisticated in look it is the perfect choice for you living room whenever you are remodeling your home.

Kitchen Flooring.
Vynil Flooring Kitchen (
Design the floor of your kitchen in such a way that it not only looks pretty but also gives a practical impression. You can choose from vinyl, tile, natural stone, wood, cork or laminate. A floor covering that is water resistant and durable such as tile is a best choice to protect against potential water damage. Make sure when you choose your floor to order a little extra of the product in the event that you drop something like a pot on your floor. If the flooring material is damaged, you will be sure to have enough to repair the floor because often floor manufacturers have high turnover of their products to insure a continual buying cycle. Most flooring contractors add 5-10% additional square footage of the flooring product to their puchase order to insure they have enough for the project and to provide the client with a little extra flooring for future use.
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Sunday, December 9, 2012


Bagi anda yang belum tahu atau istilahnya newbie, sudah barang tentu anda akan sangat bingung jika akan membuat blog. Oleh karena itulah pada saat ini infobhosz akan mencoba membantu anda dalam membuat sebuah blog. Sebenarnya saat ini ada dua layanan blogging yang yang populer yakni blogspot (blogger yang dimiliki oleh dan wordpress. Akan tetapi saat ini infobhosz akan membahas pembuatan blog melalui blogspot.

Berikut adalah langkah - langkah dalam membuat blog pada blogspot.

1.Langkah awal dalam membuat blog anda harus mempunyai email, karena di blogspot anda diharuskan memiliki akun di Gmail karena Blogger dikelola oleh Google. Jika anda belum memiliki akun di Gmail silahkan membuat email terlebih dahulu, atau juga bisa langsung ke, lalu klik "CREATE AN ACCOUNT" yang ada di pojok kanan atas maka akan tampil halaman seperti di bawah ini.

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Isi judul blog dan alamat blog anda yang nantinya menjadi alamat blog anda. Kemudian pilih template sesuai keinginan anda, banyak sekali template yang disediakan oleh blogger anda tinggal pilih salah satu. Kemudian klik tombol "Buat Blog".

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Klik tombol gambar "Pensil", mulailah membuat posting. Untuk melihat blog anda klik tombol "Lihat Blog"

Untuk mengisi posting atau artikel perhatikan dan pahami gambar di bawah ini.

Contoh pengisian artikel adalah seperti pada gambar di bawah ini.

Jika sudah berhasil di publikasi akan terlihat seperti pada gambar di bawah ini.

Itulah penjelasan tentang cara membuat sebuah blog pada blogspot. Kami berharap panduan di atas buat anda yang ingin membuat blog. Jika ada yang kurang anda pahami anda bisa menanyakan melalui kolom komentar di bawah ini.

Kami mohon artikel ini tidak di copy paste untuk di posting di blog anda. Jika anda merasa artikel ini bagus, beri link saja. Jadilah blogger yang baik tidak asal copy paste dari situs orang lain. Mohon maklum dan terima kasih.

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